B2B Data Exchange
- B2B Data Exchange 10.4.0
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System Property
| Description
| List of file types that cannot be uploaded to Partners Portal, separated by commas.
| List of recipient email addresses separated by semicolons.
| Character string that replaces the body text of the built-in email. Maximum length is 255 characters.
| Path to the file containing the custom body of the email.
| List of recipient email addresses separated by semicolons.
| String that replaces the From field of the email.
| MIME type of attachments to the email message. Default is
text/html; charset=utf-8
| Subject field of the email.
| List of endpoints types that are masked from portal user, separated by commas.
| Maximum number of events to display when you view the hierarchy of child events related to an event.
| Maximum number of events to display in the Monitoring Event tab of the Partners Portal.
| Specifies the name of the tab where you select the workflow parameters that the Partners Portal displays for message profiles. The default setting is
portal parameters .
| Maximum file size, in MB, that can be uploaded to the Partners Portal.
| Web address for the Partners Portal.
The property has a default value of http://localhost:18080/dx-portal.
If you select a different port or host during installation, you must correct this address manually.
In a high availability configuration, set this property to a logical server name.
System Property
| Description
| URL to the Partners Portal page to change the user password.
| URL to login to the Partners Portal page, based on the system property dx.portal.url.
| User ID of the Portal user.
| Full name of the Portal user.
User name: $dx_portal_user_id
User name: TRice@contact.com