B2B Data Exchange
- B2B Data Exchange 10.5.3
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infamftcmd.bat -server <"server"> -user <user name> -password <password> -command setResourcePermissions -adminUser <admin user> -adminGroup <admin group> -list <location of the resource.xml file>
Parameter Name
| Description
| Required?
| Default Value
| The host name or the IP address of the hosted server.
| Yes
| None
| The name of the administrator user.
| Yes
| None
| The password for the user to log in with.
| Yes
| None
| The name of the administrator user.
| Either adminUser or adminGroup is required.
| None
| The name of the administrator group.
| Either adminUser or adminGroup is required.
| None
| The location of the resource.xml file specified for this parameter. The file contains user specified details such as the user name, the type of service, the user permission, and the group permission that should be set for the specified adminUser and/or the adminGroup respectively.
| Yes
| None
infamftcmd.bat -server "http://localhost:8000/informaticamft" -user sys -password sys -command setResourcePermissions -adminUser user -adminGroup group -list C:\Informatica\sample_drop_file\Files\resource.xml