Common Content for Data Integration
- Common Content for Data Integration 10.5.2
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| Description
Port Number
| Port number that the Metadata Manager application runs on. Default is 10250.
Agent Port
| Port number for the Metadata Manager Agent when the Metadata Manager Service runs on Windows. The agent uses this port to communicate with metadata source repositories. Default is 10251.
If the Metadata Manager Service runs on UNIX, you must install the Metadata Manager Agent on a separate Windows machine.
Metadata Manager File Location
| Location of the files used by the Metadata Manager application. Files include the following file types:
By default, Metadata Manager stores the files in the following directory:
<Informatica services installation directory>\services\MetadataManagerService\mm_files\<Metadata Manager Service name>
Metadata Manager Lineage Graph Location
| Location that Metadata Manager uses to store graph database files for data lineage.
By default, Metadata Manager stores the graph database files in the following directory:
<Informatica services installation directory>\services\MetadataManagerService\mm_files\<Metadata Manager Service name>