When you enter join syntax, use the Informatica or database-specific join syntax. When you use the Informatica join syntax, the Data Integration Service translates the syntax and passes it to the source database during a mapping run.
Always use database-specific syntax for join conditions.
When you use Informatica join syntax, enclose the entire join statement in braces ({Informatica syntax}). When you use database syntax, enter syntax supported by the source database without braces.
When you use Informatica join syntax, use table names to prefix column names. For example, if you have a column named FIRST_NAME in the REG_CUSTOMER table, enter “REG_CUSTOMER.FIRST_NAME” in the join syntax. Also, when you use an alias for a table name, use the alias within the Informatica join syntax to ensure the Data Integration Service recognizes the alias.
You can combine left outer or right outer joins with normal joins in a single data object. You cannot combine left and right outer joins. Use multiple normal joins and multiple left outer joins. Some databases limit you to using one right outer join.
When you combine joins, enter the normal joins first.