Common Content for Data Integration
- Common Content for Data Integration 10.5.4
- All Products
| Description
| Name of the selected object. Appears for all objects.
| Short description of the selected object. Appears for all objects.
| Type of the selected object. Appears for all object types.
| The location of the selected object. This includes the domain and Data Integration Service name. Appears for all objects.
| URL used to connect to the web service. Appears for web services.
| Description
Startup Type
| Determines whether the web service is enabled to run when the application starts or when you start the web service.
Trace Level
| Level of error messages written to the run-time web service log. Choose one of the following message levels:
Default is INFO.
Request Timeout
| Maximum number of milliseconds that the Data Integration Service runs an operation mapping before the web service request times out. Default is 3,600,000.
Maximum Concurrent Requests
| Maximum number of requests that a web service can process at one time. Default is 10.
Sort Order
| Sort order that the Data Integration Service to sort and compare data when running in Unicode mode.
Enable Transport Layer Security
| Indicates that the web service must use HTTPS. If the Data Integration Service is not configured to use HTTPS, the web service will not start.
| Description
Is Authentication Required
| Enables basic authentication for the REST web service. Basic authentication requires a user name and a password from web service requests. Default is disabled.
Input Precision
| Maximum number of characters that the Data Integration Service parses in the request message. The web service request fails when the request message exceeds the input precision. Default is 10,000.
Output Precision
| Maximum number of characters that the Data Integration Service generates for the response message. The Data Integration Service truncates the response message when the response message exceeds the output precision. Default is 3,000.
| Description
Enable WS-Security
| Enables the Data Integration Service to validate the user credentials and verify that the user has permission to run each web service operation. SOAP web services only.
Optimization Level
| The optimizer level that the Data Integration Service applies to the object. Enter the numeric value that is associated with the optimizer level that you want to configure. You can enter one of the following numeric values:
DTM Keep Alive Time
| Number of milliseconds that the DTM instance stays open after it completes the last request. Web service requests that are issued against the same operation can reuse the open instance. Use the keep alive time to increase performance when the time required to process the request is small compared to the initialization time for the DTM instance. If the request fails, the DTM instance terminates.
Must be an integer. A negative integer value means that the DTM Keep Alive Time for the Data Integration Service is used. 0 means that the Data Integration Service does not keep the DTM instance in memory. Default is -1.
SOAP Output Precision
| Maximum number of characters that the Data Integration Service generates for the response message. The Data Integration Service truncates the response message when the response message exceeds the SOAP output precision. Default is 200,000.
SOAP Input Precision
| Maximum number of characters that the Data Integration Service parses in the request message. The web service request fails when the request message exceeds the SOAP input precision. Default is 200,000.