Common Content for Data Integration
- Common Content for Data Integration 10.5.7
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General Property
| Description
| Name of the application.
| Short description of the application.
| Type of the object. Valid value is application.
| The location of the application. This includes the domain and Data Integration Service name.
Creation Date
| Date that the application was created.
Last Modified By
| User who modified the application last.
Created By
| User who created the application.
Deployed By
| User who deployed the application.
Creation Domain
| Domain in which the application was created.
Unique Identifier
| ID that identifies the application in the Model repository.
Last Modification Date
| Date that the application was last modified.
Creation Project Path
| Path in the project that contains the application.
Deployment Date
| Date that the application was deployed.
Application Property
| Description
Startup Type
| Determines whether an application starts when the Data Integration Service starts. When you enable the application, the application starts by default when you start or recycle the Data Integration Service.
Choose Disabled to prevent the application from starting. You cannot manually start an application if it is disabled.
Patch Property
| Description
| Name of the deployed patch.
| Description of the deployed patch. The time that the patch was created is appended to the beginning of the patch description.