Metadata Manager
- Metadata Manager 10.5.6
- All Products
| Description
Parent Object Name
| Parent object for the field.
Parent Object Class
| Parent object class for the field.
Field Name
| Name of the field in the metadata catalog.
Business Name
| Business name for the field.
| Location of the field in the metadata catalog.
| Expression that defines the value for the field.
| Description for the field.
Source Creation Date
| Date the field was created in the metadata source system.
Source Update Date
| Date the field was modified in the metadata source system.
MM Creation Date
| Date the field was loaded into the metadata catalog.
MM Update Date
| Date the field was updated in the metadata catalog.
| Indicates if the object is an upstream or downstream endpoint in the data lineage diagram. An endpoint indicates that the field does not have any links to other structures or fields upstream or downstream from the current field.
| Hyperlink to the list of connections for the parent object in the Connections By Structure worksheet.
<mapping name> : <session name>