Use a where clause to restrict the scope of a query.
You can specify only location query parameters inside a where clause. Location query parameters do not support logical operators, so you cannot use logical operators inside the where clause.
For example, the following query locates a mapping within a specific project and folder:
name=mapping1 where project1, folder=folder1
You can use parentheses outside of the where clause. For example, the following query uses expressions
(name contains super && name ends-with boy)
(name contains ragnarok)
that are enclosed in parentheses and are outside of the where clause:
(name contains super && name ends-with boy) || (name contains ragnarok) where project=MapGenTest
You can use
keyword to locate all design-time objects on a Model repository or all run-time objects that are deployed to a Data Integration Service. You can use
keyword with the where clause.
For example, the following query locates all objects within a specific folder: