You can define groups for aggregations in the aggregate views, instead of performing aggregations across all input data. For example, you can find the total sales grouped by region, instead of finding the total company sales.
To define a group for the aggregate view, select the appropriate column in the aggregate view editor. You can select multiple group by columns to create a new group for each unique combination.
When you group values, Data Validation Option produces one row for each group. If you do not group values, the Data Validation Option returns one row for all input rows. Data Validation Option returns the last row of each group or the last row received with the result of the aggregation.
When selecting multiple group by columns in the aggregate view, Data Validation Option uses column order to determine the order by which it groups. Order group by columns to ensure the appropriate grouping because group order can affect the results. For example, the results of grouping by DATE then PRODUCT_NAME can vary from grouping by PRODUCT_NAME then DATE.