When you enable secure communication within the domain, you also secure connections between the domain and Informatica client applications. Based on the truststore files used, you might need to specify the location and password for the truststore files in environment variables on each client host.
You might need to set the following environment variables on each client host:
Set this variable to the directory that contains the truststore files for the SSL certificates. The directory must contain truststore files named
Set this variable to the password for the
file. The password must be encrypted. Use the command line program
to encrypt the password.
INFA_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD is optional if you use any PowerCenter client, or commands such as pmcmd or pmrep. Enter a password only for the infacmd commands.
Informatica provides an SSL certificate that you can use to secure the domain. When you install the Informatica clients, the installer sets the environment variables and installs the truststore files in the following directory by default: