Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. XML Concepts
  3. Using XML with PowerCenter
  4. Working with XML Sources
  5. Using the XML Editor
  6. Working with XML Targets
  7. XML Source Qualifier Transformation
  8. Midstream XML Transformations
  9. Appendix A: XML Datatype Reference
  10. Appendix B: XPath Query Functions Reference

XML Guide

XML Guide

XML Decimal Datatypes

XML Decimal Datatypes

When you define the precision of an XML decimal element to be greater than 34 digits, the Integration Service calls an external function to convert the XML decimal datatype to a Double in the XML Parser transformation. The function returns a Double with a precision length that is dependent on the node that is running the Integration Service. On all platforms, the precision is guaranteed to be 17 digits before the number is rounded, but the precision might be more on some platforms.
For example, on Windows 32-bit, the Integration Service rounds the number after 17 digits.
1234.567890123456789 is converted to 1234.567890123460800.
On HP-UX 32-bit, the Integration Service rounds the number after 34 digits.


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