Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Using the Designer
  3. Working with Sources
  4. Working with Flat Files
  5. Working with Targets
  6. Mappings
  7. Mapplets
  8. Mapping Parameters and Variables
  9. Working with User-Defined Functions
  10. Using the Debugger
  11. Viewing Data Lineage
  12. Comparing Objects
  13. Managing Business Components
  14. Creating Cubes and Dimensions
  15. Using the Mapping Wizards
  16. Appendix A: Datatype Reference
  17. Appendix B: Configure the Web Browser

Designer Guide

Designer Guide

Troubleshooting Targets

Troubleshooting Targets

When I modified a target definition and used the Designer to run the SQL DDL code, I lost all the data in the target table.
When you modify a target definition, the Designer can drop and re-create the table. It cannot issue an ALTER TABLE command to change or add columns. If you need to modify the table, back up the data in a temporary table before you drop and re-create the table. Alternatively, you can issue the ALTER TABLE command, but be careful to match the target definition now stored in the repository.
When I connect to a database to import target definitions, I do not see the tables, views, or synonyms I want to import.
Make sure you entered the correct owner name when connecting to the database. By default, the owner name the Designer uses to identify sources and targets for import is the same as the database user name you used to connect to the database. You may need to enter a different owner name to see the targets you want to import.
Instead of showing me a target when I drag it into a workspace, the Designer prompts me to copy it or make a shortcut.
Each workbook represents metadata from a single folder. To edit metadata from a different folder, move the focus in the Navigator window to the second folder and click Open. The Designer then opens another workbook, representing metadata from the second folder.
When I open a target definition appearing in a mapping, I cannot edit it.
Create mappings in the Mapping Designer. Create and modify source and target definitions in the Source Analyzer and Target Designer. The Designer divides the process of adding source definitions, target definitions, and mappings into separate modes of the Designer, to help you keep these processes distinct. To modify a target definition, switch to the Target Designer.
When I try to run a workflow that includes targets I have designed, the session log tells me that one or more target tables do not exist.
When you are designing a target, you are adding a target definition to the repository. To actually create the target table, run the necessary SQL DDL code in the database where you want the target to appear.
I imported a target from a DB2 database and received an SQL0954C error message from the DB2 operating system.
If the value of the DB2 system variable APPLHEAPSZ is too small when you use the Designer to import targets from a DB2 database, the Designer reports an error accessing the repository. The Designer status bar shows the following message:
SQL Error:[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2]SQL0954C: Not enough storage is available in the application heap to process the statement.
If you receive this error, increase the value of the APPLHEAPSZ variable for the DB2 operating system. APPLHEAPSZ is the application heap size, in 4KB pages, for each process using the database.

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