PowerExchange Adapters for Informatica
- PowerExchange Adapters for Informatica 10.5.3
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| Description
| When you run a mapping in the native environment to write data to a complex file target and choose to overwrite the target data and the target filename does not contain the file format extension such as
.avro or
.parquet , the Data Integration Service does not delete the target data before writing data.
| When the Blaze engine runs a mapping on a Kerberos-enabled Hadoop cluster to read data from and write data to sequence complex file data objects, the mapping fails with the following exception:
"GSSException: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: Failed to find any Kerberos target)"
| When you run a mapping on the Spark engine to read data from an empty JSON complex file source and write data to a complex file target, the mapping should fail, but the mapping runs successfully and the Data Integration Service generates an empty target file.
| You cannot use multiple level partitioning when you run a mapping to write data to a complex file target with Filename port enabled.
| When you run a mapping in the native environment to write data to a complex file using filename port and mapping flow is enabled, the Data Integration Service generates an incorrect folder structure and writes data to a single file.
| When you run a mapping to read from a complex file source and write to a complex file target and the source object contains unsupported data types in the schema, the mapping fails.
| When you import a complex file data object in JSON format, the import fails with the following error:
Array must contain at least 1 element for projection
| When you run a mapping on the Spark engine to read data from a complex file and the source path has a wildcard character, then the log file does not display the source file names.
| When you create a complex file data object from a JSON file and rename the filed names to an invalid field name, then the task fails with the following error:
Encountered an error saving the data object
| When you run a mapping to read data from a complex file source in JSON format and enable compression, the mapping runs successfully but the Data Integration Service fails to read data from the source.