PowerExchange for Kudu User Guide

PowerExchange for Kudu User Guide

PowerExchange for Kudu Data Object Write Operation Properties

PowerExchange for Kudu Data Object Write Operation Properties

The Kudu data object write operation properties include run-time properties that apply to the Kudu data object.
The Developer tool displays advanced properties for the Kudu data object operation in the Advanced view.
The following table describes the Advanced properties for a Kudu data object write operation:
Number of Replica
Sets the number of replicas that each table has.
You must set the replication factor to an odd number.
Default is 1.
Table Name
Name of the target table.
Table Partitioning Strategy
Type of partition applicable to the table.
You can select from the following options:
  • HASH: In hash user keys partitioning, the Integration Service uses a hash function to group rows of data among partitions based on a user-defined partition key.
  • RANGE: With range partitioning, the Integration Service distributes rows of data based on a port or set of ports that you define as the partition key.
Partitioning is applicable to only the primary key fields.
For create target Hash default is 3 bucket partition and Range default is 1 range partition and you cannot specify the range conditions for the columns of your choice.
Default is HASH.
Upserts data into a Kudu target.
To perform an upsert operation, you must add an Update Strategy transformation to a mapping before the data object write operation and flag the records for upsert in an update strategy expression. Otherwise, the Data Integration Service performs an insert operation on the Kudu target.
Target Schema Strategy
Target schema strategy for the Kudu target table.
You can select one of the following target schema strategies:
  • RETAIN - Retain existing target schema.
  • CREATE - Create or replace table at run time When you select the CREATE option, you must provide the value of the Schema Name property to run the mapping successfully.
  • Assign Parameter.

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