How to solve the following error that occurs while running an Amazon Redshift mapping on the Spark engine to write a table that contains more than 500 columns: "java.lang.StackOverflowError"
How to solve the following error that occurs while running an Amazon Redshift mapping on the Spark engine to read from a table that contains more than 510 columns: "java.lang.StackOverflowError"
How to solve the following error that occurs while running an Amazon Redshift mapping on the Spark engine to read or write data: "No space available in any of the local directories"
How to solve the following error that occurs while running an Amazon Redshift mapping on the Spark engine to read or write data: "Container is running beyond physical memory limits in EMR cluster"
How to solve the following error that occurs while running an Amazon Redshift mapping on the Spark engine to read data: "com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException: Unable to execute HTTP request: Read timed out"