Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to PowerExchange for Snowflake
  3. Snowflake Connections
  4. PowerExchange for Snowflake Data Objects
  5. PowerExchange for Snowflake Mappings
  6. PowerExchange for Snowflake Dynamic Mappings
  7. Snowflake Run-Time Processing
  8. Pushdown Optimization
  9. Appendix A: Snowflake Data Type Reference

PowerExchange for Snowflake User Guide

PowerExchange for Snowflake User Guide

Download Snowflake Certificates for SSL Domain

Download Snowflake Certificates for SSL Domain

If you want to connect to Snowflake from the Informatica domain that is configured to use SSL, you must import the Snowflake security certificates to the
file that the Informatica domain uses.
  1. Download the certificate from Snowflake.
  2. Copy the certificate to the Data Integration Service machine.
  3. Run the
    keytool -importcert
    command on the Data Integration Service machine to import the certificate to the following locations:
    ./keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias snowflakecert.cer -file <certificatelocation>/snowflakecert.cer -keystore <Informatica installation directory>/services/shared/security/infa_truststore.jks -storepass pass2038@infaSSL -noprompt
  4. Restart the Data Integration Service and the Analyst Tool.


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