PowerExchange Adapters for PowerCenter
- PowerExchange Adapters for PowerCenter 10.5.7
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| Description
| Connection name used by the Workflow Manager. Connection name cannot contain spaces or other special characters, except underscore (_).
User Name
| Microsoft Dynamics CRM user name with permissions to access the CRM.
To define the user name in the parameter file, enter the session parameter $Param Name as the user name, and define the value in the session or workflow parameter file. The PowerCenter Integration Service interprets user names that start with $Param as session parameters.
For Passport Authentication using OAuth, specify the Client ID or the Application ID and the Tenant ID separated by a semicolon.
Use Parameter in Password
| Indicates the password for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM user name is a session parameter, $Param Name . If you enable this option, define the password in the workflow or session parameter file, and encrypt it by using the
pmpasswd CRYPT_DATA option.
Default is disabled.
| Password for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM user name.
For Passport Authentication using OAuth, enter the Client Secret generated from the Azure Active Directory.