If the PowerCenter Integration Service runs the WebSphere MQ server library, it uses the coded character set identifier (CCSID) of the message header to process Unicode message body data. If it cannot determine the CCSID of the message header, it uses the CCSID of the queue manager to process Unicode message body data.
If the PowerCenter Integration Service uses the WebSphere MQ client library, it uses the CCSID of the message header to process Unicode message body data. If it cannot determine the CCSID of the message header, it uses the code page in the CCSID of the MQCCSID environment variable to process Unicode data. If there is no value for the MQCCSID environment variable, the PowerCenter Integration Service uses the default code page of the WebSphere MQ system.
The PowerCenter Integration Service uses the code page in the queue connection in the following cases:
The PowerCenter Integration Service cannot retrieve the CCSID of the queue manager or MQCCSID environment variable when it uses the WebSphere MQ client library. You might not have authorization on WebSphere MQ to retrieve this information.
The CCSID value of a WebSphere MQ message is invalid, or WebSphere MQ does not support the value, and the PowerCenter Integration Service cannot use the CCSID of the queue manager.