PowerExchange CDC Publisher
- PowerExchange CDC Publisher 1.2
- All Products
| Description
DTL__ xxx | The PowerExchange-generated DTL__ columns that have been added to extraction maps by default or by the PowerExchange user. For more information about these columns, see the
PowerExchange Navigator User Guide .
| The DML operation type (INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE) that was extracted from the source.
| The source
mapname _tablename from the extraction map name. This value identifies the source object for which change data was extracted.
| A sequence number that the CDC Publisher assigns to the change record.
source_column_name | The after image of a source column to which a change operation was applied.
source_column_name _Present
| An indicator of whether the column contains a value from a change operation.
source_column_name _BeforeImage
| The before image value of an updated source column.
source_column_name _BeforeImage_Present
| An indicator of whether the before image of an updated source column is present.