Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to PowerExchange Bulk Data Movement
  3. PowerExchange Listener
  4. Adabas Bulk Data Movement
  5. Datacom Bulk Data Movement
  6. DB2 for i5/OS Bulk Data Movement
  7. DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Bulk Data Movement
  8. DB2 for z/OS Bulk Data Movement
  9. IDMS Bulk Data Movement
  10. IMS Bulk Data Movement
  11. Microsoft SQL Server Bulk Data Movement
  12. Oracle Bulk Data Movement
  13. Sequential File Bulk Data Movement
  14. VSAM Bulk Data Movement
  15. Writing Data with Fault Tolerance
  16. Monitoring and Tuning Options

Bulk Data Movement Guide

Bulk Data Movement Guide

Configuring PowerExchange to Offload Work to a zIIP

Configuring PowerExchange to Offload Work to a zIIP

Before you configure PowerExchange to offload work to a zIIP, verify that the following prerequisites are satisfied:
  • The system callable services library SYS1.CSSLIB is available through the LNKLST contatenation or the LPALIB data set.
  • The projected usage function (PROJECTCPU) in the IEAOPT
    member in the system PARMLIB is enabled. If you enable zIIP usage on a system without a zIIP, and PROJECTCPU is set to FALSE, the system does not project CPU usage as if a zIIP were present, and PowerExchange reports RC = 4 from IWM4EOCT. PowerExchange continues to run zIIP-enabled functions in SRB mode.
  • All the libraries in the PowerExchange Listener STEPLIB concatenation are APF-authorised.
  • The DBMOVER configuration member does not include any TRACE statements.
  1. Include the USESUP=Y statement in the DBMOVER configuration file on z/OS, and optionally include the following statements:
  2. Add PWX to the IBM Workload Manager for z/OS (WLM):
    1. From the main menu of the WLM ISPF application, add
      as a subsystem type, or specify whatever value you specified for the SUB_SSTYPE statement in the DBMOVER configuration member.
    2. For each PowerExchange Listener, add a work qualfier with a type of SI (system instance) to the list. The name must match the value in the DBMOVER SUP_SSNAME statement (default PWXLSTNR).
    3. Optionally, change the default transaction name by using the TN qualifier type. This value must match the value in the DBMOVER WORKCLASS statement (default PWXWORK).
    4. Check the job log to verify that zIIP enablement is successful.
      If zIIP enablement is successful, the z/OS system log includes informational messages such as the following ones:
      PWXDSP3400I Checking processors... PWXDSP3401I Cpu 00 Serial FF04EEC52098 Type CP Rel. Speed 1 PWXDSP3401I Cpu 01 Serial FF04EEC52098 Type CP Rel. Speed 1 PWXDSP3401I Cpu 06 Serial FF04EEC52098 Type zIIP Rel. Speed 1 PWXDSP3403I 1 Processor available for zIIP offload PWXWCO3405I Connect to WLM Sub = PWX Subn = GRAPWX token = 140C2118 PWXWCF3409I Classify work to WLM Service class = 00238000 PWXWCE3411I WLM Create Enclave function = PWXFUNC enclave token = 0000003C00000033 PWXWSE3415I WLM Set Rules tok = PWXR id = IWMOCT ver = 00 cnt = 01 Dur = 1000000 Pct = 100 DTL-00607 Listener NODE1 VRM 9.5.0 Build DEV_BUILD started.
      If the job log does not include messages that indicate that zIIP was successfully enabled, verify that the prerequisites for zIIP enablement are satisfied. If not all libraries in the PowerExchange Listener STEPLIB concatenation are APF-authorized, or if the DBMOVER configuration member includes a TRACE statement, zIIP exploitation is disabled.


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