Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to PowerExchange Utilities
  3. createdatamaps - Data Map Creation Utility
  4. DTLCCADW - Adabas PCAT Utility
  5. DTLCUIML - IMS Log Marker Utility
  6. DTLINFO - Release Information Utility
  7. DTLREXE - Remote Execution Utility
  8. DTLUAPPL - Restart Token Utility
  9. DTLUCBRG - Batch Registration Utility
  10. DTLUCDEP - CDEP Maintenance Utility
  11. DTLUCSR2 - IDMS SR2 and SR3 Records Utility
  12. DTLUCUDB - DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows CDC Utility
  13. DTLULCAT and DTLULOGC - IDMS Log Catalog Utilities
  14. DTLURDMO - Data Map Utility
  15. DTLUTSK - Task Control Utility
  16. EDMLUCTR - Log Scan and Print Utility
  17. EDMXLUTL - Event Marker Utility
  18. HOSTENT - TCP/IP Address Reporter Utility
  19. PWXCATMY - MySQL Catalog Utility
  20. PWXUCCLPRT - Print Log Summary Utility
  21. PWXUCDCT - Logger for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Utility
  22. PWXUCREG - Capture Registration Suspend Utility
  23. PWXUCRGP - Capture Registrations Print Utility
  24. PWXUDMX - Data Maps Update Time ECSA Memory Utility
  25. PWXUGSK - SSL Reporting Utility for z/OS
  26. PWXUMAP - Map List Utility
  27. PWXUSSL - PowerExchange SSL Reporting Utility

Example 6. Printing the CDCT File Contents

Example 6. Printing the CDCT File Contents

Informatica Global Customer Support requests that you print the CDCT file contents and send it to them in a text file for debugging use.
  1. From the command line, navigate to the PowerExchange installation directory and enter the following command:
    pwxucdct cmd=report_cdct >C:\Informatica\PowerExchange
    \reports\cdct_debug.txt cs=C:\Informatica\PowerExchange
    To print the information to a file, include a greater than (>) sign followed by the output path and file name. Otherwise, the information is displayed on screen.
  2. Review the report contents.
    The following example report shows the CDCT contents for a PowerExchange Logger with only one group:
    DTL-33314 TIMEOUTS configuration parameter is deprecated DTL-25404 Processing console program. PWXUCDCT cs=C:\Informatica\PowerExchange\
    \resources\capt\pwxccl_ORCL.cfg CMD=REPORT_CDCT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ CCL INCARNATION ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Incarnation: 20141217080907000000 Instance Name: ORCL Image Type: Before and After Images Group Count: 1 Status: Current Create Rsn: Cold Start File Encryption: AES256 Restart Information: Sequence Restart Timestamp Begin D40000007B0198000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000007B0198D35844C4 20141217080913000000 End D40000007CFC67000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0000016D000046300108FFFF0000 0000007CFC66D35844C4 20141217102535000000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ CCL GROUP ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Incarnation: 20141217080907000000 Group #: 0 Name: DEFAULT File Prefix: C:\Informatica\PowerExchange
    \resources\ccl\group1\grp2 Reg Count: 6 File Count: 4 Status: Active First File Seq: 1412170809001 Current File Seq: 1412171025001 Oldest File TStamp: 20141217080942000000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- CCL REGISTRATIONS ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Incarnation: 20141217080907000000 Group #: 0 Reg Seq#: 5 Name: ORAORCLbonus1 Status: Active Activation Date: 20141217102409000000 Inactivation Date: Default Schema: ORAAUS1 Incarnation: 20141217080907000000 Group #: 0 Reg Seq#: 4 Name: ORAORCLdatetime1 Status: Active Activation Date: 20141217080907000000 Inactivation Date: Default Schema: ORAAUS1 Incarnation: 20141217080907000000 Group #: 0 Reg Seq#: 3 Name: ORAORCLdept1 Status: Active Activation Date: 20141217080907000000 Inactivation Date: Default Schema: ORAAUS1 Incarnation: 20141217080907000000 Group #: 0 Reg Seq#: 2 Name: ORAORCLemp1 Status: Active Activation Date: 20141217080907000000 Inactivation Date: Default Schema: ORAAUS1 Incarnation: 20141217080907000000 Group #: 0 Reg Seq#: 1 Name: ORAORCLempencr1 Status: Active Activation Date: 20141217080907000000 Inactivation Date: Default Schema: ORAAUS1 Incarnation: 20141217080907000000 Group #: 0 Reg Seq#: 0 Name: ORAORCLtable11 Status: Active Activation Date: 20141217080907000000 Inactivation Date: Default Schema: ORAAUS1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ CCL FILES ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Incarnation: 20141217080907000000 Group #: 0 File Seq#: 1412170809001 Name: C:\Informatica\PowerExchange
    \\resources\ccl\group1\grp0.CND.CP141217.T0809001 resources\ccl\group1\ Open TimeStamp: 20141217080917000000 Close TimeStamp: 20141217080942000000 Record Count: 180 Commit Count: 20 Has Uncommitted data No Is encrypted: Yes Status: Closed Fmt Version: 961 Encryption Key Test: 277790D3E372B2623D2CFD98FF2ACD62FC92A267D2095013C7FC2D3C44339F6E Restart Information: Sequence Restart Timestamp Begin: D40000007BC97C0000000000000000007BC97B00000000000001680000B64E001000020000 0000007BC97BD35844C4 20141215150331000000 End: D40000007CE166000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0000016D000011D30084FFFF0000 0000007CE165D35844C4 20141217080931000000 Incarnation: 20141217080907000000 Group #: 0 File Seq#: 1412170809002 Name: C:\Informatica\PowerExchange
    \\resources\ccl\group1\grp0.CND.CP141217.T0809002 Open TimeStamp: 20141217080950000000 Close TimeStamp: 20141217081055000000 Record Count: 36 Commit Count: 4 Has Uncommitted data No Is encrypted: Yes Status: Closed Fmt Version: 961 Encryption Key Test: 277790D3E372B2623D2CFD98FF2ACD62FC92A267D2095013C7FC2D3C44339F6E Restart Information: Sequence Restart Timestamp Begin: D40000007CE1710000000000000000007CE170000000000000016D000011DC001000020000 0000007CE170D35844C4 20141217080948000000 End: D40000007CE189000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0000016D000011F7008CFFFF0000 0000007CE188D35844C4 20141217081032000000 Incarnation: 20141217080907000000 Group #: 0 File Seq#: 1412170811001 Name: C:\Informatica\PowerExchange
    \resources\ccl\group1\grp0.CND.CP141217.T0811001 Open TimeStamp: 20141217081102000000 Close TimeStamp: 20141217081117000000 Record Count: 36 Commit Count: 4 Has Uncommitted data No Is encrypted: Yes Status: Closed Fmt Version: 961 Encryption Key Test: A2649CDC44DB6CF714E0739CB1F9FCD035CC834E90AB3E2059F7BBEC41D62742 Restart Information: Sequence Restart Timestamp Begin: D40000007CE1980000000000000000007CE197000000000000016D000011FA001000020000 0000007CE197D35844C4 20141217081101000000 End: D40000007CE19D000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0000016D0000120A01E8FFFF0000 0000007CE19CD35844C4 20141217081101000000 Incarnation: 20141217080907000000 Group #: 0 File Seq#: 1412171025001 Name: C:\Informatica\PowerExchange
    \resources\ccl\group1\grp0.CND.CP141217.T1025001 Open TimeStamp: 20141217102522000000 Close TimeStamp: 20141217102605000000 Record Count: 1 Commit Count: 1 Has Uncommitted data No Is encrypted: Yes Status: Closed Fmt Version: 961 Encryption Key Test: CB9202C5D9D0E01CAA57C0128D6244C2964AAEB866613EA0C7E3EE5151C3C255 Restart Information: Sequence Restart Timestamp Begin: D40000007CFC610000000000000000007CFC60000000070000016D00004624001000020000 0000007CFC60D35844C4 20141217102520000000 End: D40000007CFC67000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0000016D000046300108FFFF0000 0000007CFC66D35844C4 20141217102535000000
    The report contains separate sections for the PowerExchange Logger (CCL) configuration incarnation, the groups that are defined in the group definition file that is specified in the pwxccl.cfg configuration file, the capture registrations for the tables, and the associated Logger log files. In the CCL Files section, the information that is reported for each log file includes whether the log file is encrypted and the restart tokens.


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