Setting Up and Testing Connectivity to a SQL Service Source or Target
Setting Up and Testing Connectivity to a SQL Service Source or Target
To access a SQL Server source or target, run a PowerExchange Listener on a Windows system and verify that PowerExchange can communicate with it. Also, if you run the PowerExchange Listener on a Windows system that is remote from the SQL Server database, install the Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client on the PowerExchange Listener system.
If you run the PowerExchange Listener on a Windows system that is remote from the SQL Server source system with the distribution database, install the Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client on the PowerExchange Listener system.
On the system or systems where the PowerExchange Navigator, PowerCenter Client, and PowerCenter Integration Service run, perform the following tasks:
Use the
command to test network access to the PowerExchange Listener system, if it is remote.
Add the NODE statement to the dbmover.cfg file to identify the PowerExchange Listener and its port:
To determine the port number, consult with the person in your organization who installed the PowerExchange Listener on the remote system.
Run the DTLREXE ping utility to test connectivity to the PowerExchange Listener that you defined in the NODE statement.