PowerExchange IMS Data Map Creation

PowerExchange IMS Data Map Creation



Before you begin data map creation, perform the following tasks:
  • Install and configure PowerExchange on the z/OS LPAR where the IMS database exists. For information about PowerExchange installation, see the
    PowerExchange Installation and Upgrade Guide
  • Install and configure the PowerExchange Navigator on a Windows system.
  • In the DBMOVER member on the z/OS system where the PowerExchange Listener runs, configure the IMS NETPORT statement and associated LISTENER statement. For example:
    LISTENER=(node1,TCPIP,15698) NETPORT=(node1,15698,,,"HGHARI1.PWX.V960.RUNLIB(IMSJCL)",IMSSAMU)
    The NETPORT statement is required to use DL/I or BMP with a netport job to access an IMS database for loading bulk data to a target. Multiple NETPORT statements can be configured to pass different PSB names.
  • Configure a NODE statement in the dbmover.cfg file on the local PowerExchange Navigator system that points to the port in the NETPORT statement in the DBMOVER member on the z/OS system. For example:
  • To reduce the number of locking conflicts, set PROCOPT to read-only for the PCB for the IMS database.
  • Gather the following information that is required to define a data map for an IMS source:
    • The IMS SSID
    • The IMS database name and database data set name
    • The database description (DBD) data set name and location
    • The PCB number for each database in the PSB that is specified in the NETPORT statement
    To locate the DBD and copybooks, contact an IMS DBA or application data SME for assistance.
  • If you plan to perform INSERTs or UPDATEs on an IMS segment, ensure that the data map represents the complete segment length as defined in the IMS DBD. Otherwise, an INSERT or UPDATE to the segment might write nonblank data to the end of the segment not defined as FILLER. To avoid this issue, you can add a FILLER definition to the COPYLIB before you import it to PowerExchange.
Also, before you perform a database row test on the new data map or run a PowerCenter session with a source definition based on the data map, ensure that you complete the following configuration tasks:
  • Modify the IMSJCL member for the netport job in the RUNLIB library based on the requirements of your site.
    The default JOB name on the JOBCARD, PWX%N5, produces a job name of PWX00001, PWX00002, and so on. The ending number increases by 1 each time the JCL is executed in the current instance of the PowerExchange Listener. If the Listener is stopped and started, the count is reset to 1, producing a job name of PWX00001.
  • Modify an IMSDATA member to include a DD statement for each IMS database. Use the following JCL.


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