Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Getting Started Overview
  3. Part 1: Setting Up Business Glossary
  4. Part 2: Publishing Business Glossary Content
  5. Part 3: Viewing Assets
  6. Appendix A: Asset Linking
  7. Appendix B: Publishing Business Glossary Content using the Approval Workflow

Business Glossary Getting Started Guide

Business Glossary Getting Started Guide

Creating and Publishing a Business Initiative Overview

Creating and Publishing a Business Initiative Overview

A business initiative is a type of asset to which you can add other Glossary assets. You can use business initiatives to track changes that you need to make to multiple Glossary assets. Create a business initiative when a business decision or business change has an impact on multiple Glossary assets. You can make changes to the affected assets and publish them in bulk by publishing the business initiative.


The organization needs to publish all the Glossary assets that they have created when developing the Section 10Q glossary. They create a business initiative to publish all the assets which are in the draft phase at one. The business initiative description captures the reason for publishing the assets in bulk.


In this tutorial, you will accomplish the following tasks:
  • Create a business initiative and add assets that need to be published in bulk.
  • Propose the business initiative for review and publish the initiative.


Before you start this lesson, verify the following prerequisites:
  • You have the credentials to log in as the data steward.
  • The data steward has the permissions to view and modify the Section 10Q glossary.
  • The assets that you need to publish are in draft state.


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