Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Workflows
  3. Workflow Variables
  4. Workflow Parameters
  5. Cluster Tasks
  6. Command Task
  7. Human Task
  8. Mapping Task
  9. Notification Task
  10. Gateways
  11. Workflow Recovery
  12. Workflow Administration

Developer Workflow Guide

Developer Workflow Guide

Task Distribution Tab

Task Distribution Tab

Set the options on the Task Distribution tab to create instances of the Human task. Use the task distribution options when you want to assign a task to multiple users. You can create task instances of equal size, or you can create task instances based on the data in a column.
The following table describes the options on the Task Distribution tab:
Enable task distribution
Enables options to create multiple instances of the Human task. If you clear this option, the workflow processes a single instance of the Human task.
Divide task by number of items
Creates task instances with the number of records or clusters that you specify, or creates the number of task instances that you specify.
Divide task by data value
Creates task instances based on the values in a column that you select.
You select the column from the data source that the
Data Source
tab identifies. When the workflow runs, the Data Integration Service creates a task instance for each set of records that share a common value in the column.
You identify the users or groups who can work on the task instances, and you specify a value to associate with each user or group. You can optionally associate each user or group with a range of numeric values or date values. The workflow assigns the tasks instances to users or groups based on the associations that you define.
Identify the users or groups who will work on the task instances in the following ways:
  • Enter the users or groups to a grid, and enter the column values to associate with each user or group.
  • Import the user or group names and the column values from a reference table in the Model repository.
  • Import the user or group names and the column values from a local delimited file.
  • Connect to an external database table that contains a list of user or group names and a list of data values.
    When you connect to an external database, you can update the list of users, groups, and values independently of the workflow configuration. The Data Integration Service reads the table when the workflow runs.
Optionally, you can identify a user or group to receive task instances that contain records that do not meet the task distribution criteria.


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