Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Command Line Programs and Utilities
  3. Installing and Configuring Command Line Utilities
  4. Using the Command Line Programs
  5. Environment Variables for Command Line Programs
  6. Using infacmd
  7. infacmd as Command Reference
  8. infacmd aud Command Reference
  9. infacmd autotune Command Reference
  10. Infacmd bg Command Reference
  11. infacmd ccps Command Reference
  12. infacmd cluster Command Reference
  13. infacmd cms Command Reference
  14. infacmd dis Command Reference
  15. Infacmd dis Queries
  16. infacmd dp Command Reference
  17. infacmd idp Command Reference
  18. infacmd edp Command Reference
  19. Infacmd es Command Reference
  20. infacmd ics Command Reference
  21. infacmd ipc Command Reference
  22. infacmd isp Command Reference
  23. infacmd ldm Command Reference
  24. infacmd mas Command Reference
  25. infacmd mi Command Reference
  26. infacmd mrs Command Reference
  27. infacmd ms Command Reference
  28. infacmd oie Command Reference
  29. infacmd ps Command Reference
  30. infacmd pwx Command Reference
  31. infacmd roh Command Reference
  32. infacmd rms Command Reference
  33. infacmd rtm Command Reference
  34. infacmd sch Command Reference
  35. infacmd search Command Reference
  36. infacmd sql Command Reference
  37. infacmd tdm Command Reference
  38. infacmd tools Command Reference
  39. infacmd wfs Command Reference
  40. infacmd ws Command Reference
  41. infacmd xrf Command Reference
  42. infacmd Control Files
  43. infasetup Command Reference
  44. pmcmd Command Reference
  45. pmrep Command Reference
  46. Working with filemanager
  47. Working with pmrep Files

Command Reference

Command Reference

Deployment Control File Parameters

Deployment Control File Parameters

The following table lists
deployment control file parameters:
Attribute Name
Attribute Description
Required if you use DeployFolder and DeployDeploymentGroup and set OVERRIDESERVER to Yes. Integration Service registered in the target repository to run the deployed workflows. For any deployment, you can specify one Integration Service.
Optional. Copies SAP installed ABAP program.
Optional. Copies mapping variable persistent values based on the values set for RETAINMAPVARPERVALS. If you do not set COPYMAPVARPERVALS or set its value to No, the RETAINMAPVARPERVALS values are ignored. For more information, see Persisted Mapping Variables.
Optional. Retains mapping variable persistent values in the target based on the values set for COPYMAPVARPERVALS. If you do not set COPYMAPVARPERVALS or set its value to No, the RETAINMAPVARPERVALS values are ignored. For more information, see Persisted Mapping Variables.
Optional. Copies workflow variable persistent values.
Optional. Copies workflow logs.
Optional. Copies dependency information for objects in mappings.
Optional. Copies the deployment group along with the objects in the deployment group to the target repository.
Optional. Validates objects in the target repository.
Optional. Copies the latest version.
Optional. Overrides the default comment and adds a comment in the target repository when you copy or deploy an object. You must set LATESTVERSIONONLY to true to use this attribute.
Optional. Period of time (in seconds) that
attempts to acquire locks on objects in the target repository. A value of 0 fails the copy operation immediately if
cannot obtain a lock. A value of -1 instructs
to wait indefinitely until it acquires locks or the user cancels the operation. Default is -1.
Optional. Keeps the current value for Sequence Generator or Normalizer transformations.
Optional. Retains server-network-related values in tasks.
Optional. Use with DEFAULTSERVERNAME.If you set the OVERRIDESERVER value to Yes, the deployment operation assigns the Integration Service name that the DEFAULTSERVERNAME attribute specifies to run the deployed workflows. If the DEFAULTSERVERNAME is not specified or contains an Integration Service name that is not valid, the deployment operation does not assign an Integration Service to the deployed workflows.
If you set the OVERRIDESERVER value to No, the deployment operation checks if it can assign an Integration Service to the workflows based on the Integration Service in the source and target repositories. If the same Integration Service name appears in the source and target repositories, the deployment operation assigns the Integration Service name to the deployed workflows. Otherwise, the deployed workflows are not assigned the Integration Service.
Default is No.
Optional. Creates a folder with this name.
Required if you use DEPLOYFOLDER. Names the folder after replacing it.
Optional. Retains mapping variable persistent values in the target.
Optional. Retains workflow variable persistent values.
Optional. Retains workflow session logs in the target.
Optional. Compares folders if objects in the target folder have been created or modified since the previous deployment.
Optional. Retains the existing folder owner.
ignores any information provided in the DEPLOYEDFOLDEROWNER element.
Required if you use DeployFolder and DeployDeploymentGroup.
If deploying a folder, specifies the current folder that shortcuts point to.
If deploying a deployment group, specifies the following folders:
  • Folder or folders that shortcuts point to
  • Folder or folders containing the deployment group objects
Optional. If deploying a folder, specifies the type of folder that shortcuts point to. Use local or global shortcuts.
Required. If deploying a folder, specifies the folder that shortcuts point to.
If deploying a deployment group, specifies the following folders:
  • Folder or folders that shortcuts point to
  • Folder or folders containing the deployment group objects
Optional. If deploying a folder, specifies the type of folder that shortcuts point to. Use local or global shortcuts.
Optional. Compares folders if objects in the target folder have been created or modified since the previous deployment. Use this attribute only with the DeployDeploymentGroup command.
Required if you use DeployDeploymentGroup. Removes objects from the source group after deploying.
Optional. Creates a deployment group with this name. Ignored if REPLACEDG is specified. Default is the source deployment group name.
Optional. Name of the deployment group to be replaced.
Optional. Specifies whether to retain the owner of the deployment group being replaced in the target repository.
Optional. Owner of the copied deployment group. Default is the owner of the source deployment group.
Optional. Security domain of the target deployment group.
Required if you use DeployDeploymentGroup. Applies a label to all the objects in the source group.
Optional. Moves the label from a different version of the object in the source group to the deployment group version of the object. If the Repository Agent detects the label is applied to another version of the same object, you can choose to move the label to the selected version of the object.
Optional. Applies a label to all the objects deployed to the target repository.
Optional. Moves the label from a different version of the object in the target group to the deployment group version of the object. If the Repository Agent detects the label is applied to another version of the same object, you can choose to move the label to the latest version of the object.
Required if you use DeployFolder and DeployDeploymentGroup. Owner of the deployed folder or deployment group in the target repository.
Optional. Name of the security domain that the owner of the deployed folder or deployment group belongs to.
Optional. Group owner of the deployed folder or deployment group in the target repository.


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