Auto Curation Parameters for Foreign Key Inference
Auto Curation Parameters for Foreign Key Inference
You can configure the auto curation parameters to infer primary key and foreign key relationships without manual intervention. The auto curation parameters are user-defined custom attributes that you can configure to identify the data relationships based on certain conditions.
When the discovery results include a large number of primary key and foreign key relationships, you might find it difficult to identify the critical data relationships among hundreds of data relationships. You might also find it difficult to curate the relationships based on certain conditions, such as data match or data type. To resolve this issue, you can configure the auto curation parameters and run the enterprise discovery profile.
If the data sources have multiple candidate foreign keys and you want to provide rules to choose a candidate foreign key, you can perform the following actions:
Configure the
Max Foreign Keys between data objects
Minimum conformance percent
options in the enterprise discovery profile wizard.
Configure the weights and scores for the auto curation parameters in the
An administrator can edit and save the foreign key configuration file. Configure the auto curation parameters in the foreign key configuration file. The algorithm infers the primary key and foreign key relationships between multiple data objects based on the auto curation parameters.