Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Getting Started Overview
  3. Part 1: Setting Up Business Glossary
  4. Part 2: Publishing Business Glossary Content
  5. Part 3: Viewing Assets
  6. Appendix A: Asset Linking
  7. Appendix B: Publishing Business Glossary Content using the Approval Workflow

Business Glossary Getting Started Guide

Business Glossary Getting Started Guide

Task 3: Creating a Bidirectional Custom Relationship

Task 3: Creating a Bidirectional Custom Relationship

Log in as a glossary administrator to create a custom relationship in the glossary relationships page by specifying the glossary relationship as bidirectional. The data steward can use the custom relationship when configuring related terms in the business term.
  1. In the Analyst tool header, open
    Glossary Relationships
  2. Click the
    Create Custom Relationship
    dialog box appears.
  3. Select the
    Bidirectional Relationship
    checkbox for a bidirectional relationship.
  4. Specify the name of the primary relationship as
    Used By
  5. Specify the name of the derived relationship as
    Derived From
  6. You can define a color from
    Line Color
    list, select the color of the line as
    The color of the line indicates what the Analyst tool uses to connect the related business terms in the relationship view diagram.
  7. Click


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