Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Address Validation Status Ports
  4. Building and Residence Data Ports
  5. Business and Organization Data Ports
  6. City and Locality Data Ports
  7. Country Data Ports
  8. Customer Segmentation Data Ports
  9. Enrichment Data Ports
  10. Formatted Data Ports
  11. Postal Carrier Certification Data Ports
  12. Postcode Data Ports
  13. Province and State Data Ports
  14. Residual Data Ports
  15. Street Data Ports
  16. Supplementary Data Ports
  17. XML Ports

Address Validator Port Reference

Address Validator Port Reference

Rural Route Default

Rural Route Default

Output port that indicates if the address is a valid rural route but exact data is unavailable.

Rural Route Default Usage

Select Rural Route Default when you need to know if an address has all the data needed for delivery on a rural route.
You can use Rural Route Exact port data with Rural Route Default port data. The Rural Route Default port indicates if rural route data is complete.
Review the output data and calculate the number of High Rise Default or Rural Route Default addresses it contains. A high number of High Rise Default or Rural Route Default addresses increases mail delivery costs and slows down mail delivery.

Port Locations

The following table provides the location and default precision of the Rural Route Default port:
Port Type
Port Group
Template Model
US Specific

Rural Route Default Output Codes

The following table describes the Rural Route Default output codes:
The address matches a rural route address in the address reference data but does not contain a box number.
All other options. The address may match a rural route address and contain a box number, or the address may not match a rural route address, or the address was not checked against the rural route reference data.


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