Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Getting Started Overview
  3. Part 1: Getting Started with Informatica Analyst
  4. Part 2: Getting Started with Informatica Developer
  5. Appendix A: Frequently Asked Questions

Data Quality Getting Started Guide

Data Quality Getting Started Guide

Informatica Analyst Tutorial

Informatica Analyst Tutorial

During this tutorial, an analyst logs into the Analyst tool, creates projects and folders, creates profiles and rules, scores data, and creates reference tables.
The lessons you can perform depend on whether you have the Informatica Data Quality or Informatica Data Services products.
The following table describes the lessons you can perform, depending on your product:
Lesson 1. Setting up Informatica Analyst
Log in to the Analyst tool and create a project and folder for the tutorial lessons.
Data Quality
Data Services
Lesson 2. Creating Data Objects
Import a flat file as a data object and preview the data.
Data Quality
Lesson 3. Creating Quick Profiles
Creating a quick profile to quickly get an idea of data quality.
Data Quality
Lesson 4. Creating Custom Profiles
Create a custom profile to configure columns, and sampling and drilldown options.
Data Quality
Lesson 5. Creating Expression Rules
Create expression rules to modify and profile column values.
Data Quality
Lesson 6. Creating and Running Scorecards
Create and run a scorecard to measure data quality progress over time.
Data Quality
Lesson 7. Creating Reference Tables from Profile Results
Create a reference table that you can use to standardize source data.
Data Quality
Data Services
Lesson 8. Creating Reference Tables
Create a reference table to establish relationships between source data and valid and standard values.
Data Quality
Data Services


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