Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Introduction to Data Discovery
  3. Part 2: Data Discovery with Informatica Analyst
  4. Part 3: Data Discovery with Informatica Developer
  5. Appendix A: Function Support Based on Profiling Warehouse Connection

Data Discovery Guide

Data Discovery Guide

Informatica Developer Profiles Overview

Informatica Developer Profiles Overview

Create and run profiles in Informatica Developer to discover data quality issues in a data set and understand the column relationships in a data set.
You can create profiles for the following types of data analysis:
  • Column profiling
  • Column profiling on semi-structured data sources
  • Primary key discovery
  • Functional dependency discovery
  • Foreign key discovery
  • Join analysis
  • Overlap discovery
  • Data domain discovery
  • Enterprise discovery
You create profiles in the Developer tool through a wizard. The profile creation wizard gives you
Multiple Profiles
, and
Enterprise Discovery Profile
options to create profiles.


Create a profile for a single data object. For a single profile, you define filters, rules, and drill-down options for column profiling. You can also choose advanced options to create a column profile, primary key profile, functional dependency profile, and for data domain discovery. The results display column profile, primary key inference, functional dependency, and data domain inference. You can create a column profile for a flat file data object, relational data object, and semi-structured data objects.

Multiple Profiles

Create a set of profiles for multiple objects. The Developer tool creates a profile for each object and runs the profiles concurrently. When you create multiple profiles at one time, you cannot analyze data across objects.

Enterprise Discovery Profile

Build a data model from multiple data objects and create a profile that analyzes data across the objects. Create an enterprise discovery profile and add physical data objects to it that you want to profile together. You can create a data object profile, foreign key profile, and join profile. For each data object in the enterprise discovery profile, you can configure general properties, columns to profile, keys, and relationships. You can discover overlapping data in a data source or mutiple data sources.
You can also run enterprise discovery that creates and runs data discovery tasks, such as column profile, data domain discovery, primary key profile, and foreign key profile. Enterprise discovery runs on a large number of data sources across multiple connections.
The following table lists the operations that you can perform with each profile type:
Profile Option
Profile Operations
  • Run a column profile.
  • Find primary keys.
  • Find functional dependencies.
  • Identify data domains
Multiple Profiles
Create and run column profiles on multiple objects at the same time.
Enterprise Discovery Profile
  • Run a column profile on a single data set.
  • Find primary keys.
  • Find foreign keys.
  • Find functional dependencies.
  • Perform join analysis.
  • Discover overlap between two columns.
  • Run enterprise discovery.


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