To expose web services through the Web Services Hub, you must associate the Web Services Hub with a repository. The code page of the Web Services Hub must be a subset of the code page of the associated repository.
When you associate a repository with a Web Services Hub, you specify the PowerCenter Repository Service and the user name and password used to connect to the repository. The PowerCenter Repository Service that you associate with a Web Services Hub must be in the same domain as the Web Services Hub.
You can associate more than one repository with a Web Services Hub. When you associate more than one repository with a Web Services Hub, the Web Services Hub can run web services located in any of the associated repositories.
You can associate more than one Web Services Hub with a PowerCenter repository. When you associate more than one Web Services Hub with a PowerCenter repository, multiple Web Services Hub Services can provide the same web services. Different Web Services Hub Services can run separate instances of a web service. You can use an external load balancer to manage the Web Services Hub Services.
When you associate a Web Services Hub with a PowerCenter Repository Service, the Repository Service does not have to be running. After you start the Web Services Hub, it periodically checks whether the PowerCenter Repository Services have started. The PowerCenter Repository Service must be running before the Web Services Hub can run a web service workflow.