Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Mapping Specifications
  3. Mapping Specification Configuration
  4. Mapping Specification Objects
  5. Mapping Specification Profiles
  6. Sharing Mapping Specification Logic

Mapping Specification Guide

Mapping Specification Guide

Aggregator Properties

Aggregator Properties

Configure aggregator properties when you add or edit an aggregator.
You can configure the following aggregator properties:
Configure the following properties for aggregator functions:
  • Function. Type of aggregate function.
  • Aggregate Source Name. Source, lookup, or rule name for the column on which to apply the aggregate function.
  • Aggregate Column Name. Source, lookup, or rule column name on which to apply the aggregate function.
  • Target Column Name. Column name in the mapping specification target that returns the results of the aggregate function.
Use aggregator conditions to reduce the number of rows in the aggregator. Configure the source, lookup, rule column, operator, and value for an aggregator condition.
Functions and Conditions
Configure the following properties for functions and conditions:
  • Expression. Expression in the aggregator that contains the aggregate functions and conditions.
  • Target Column Name. Name of the target column that contains the results of the aggregator.


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