Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Upgrade Overview
  3. Before You Upgrade the Domain on Linux
  4. Before You Upgrade the Domain on UNIX
  5. Before You Upgrade the Domain on Windows
  6. Prepare for the Upgrade
  7. Upgrade the Domain
  8. Upgrade the Domain with Changes to Node Configuration
  9. Before You Upgrade the Application Services
  10. Application Service Upgrade
  11. Informatica Client Upgrade
  12. After You Upgrade
  13. Appendix A: Upgrade Checklist

Upgrading from Versions 10.4.0 and 10.4.1 (10.5)

Upgrading from Versions 10.4.0 and 10.4.1 (10.5)

Back Up the Domain

Back Up the Domain

Before you upgrade the domain, you must back up the configuration metadata for the domain.
Complete the following steps to back up the domain:
  • Run the infasetup BackupDomain command to back up the domain configuration database tables to a file.
  • Back up the metadata configuration files to any directory accessible by the machines where you install Informatica.
Informatica infasetup includes command line programs to back up and restore the domain. infasetup is located in the following directory:
<Informatica installation directory>/isp/bin
To back up the domain with infasetup, use the following syntax:
BackupDomain <<-DatabaseAddress|-da> database_hostname:database_port| <-DatabaseConnectionString|-cs> database_connection_string> <-DatabaseUserName|-du> database_user_name <-DatabasePassword|-dp> database_password <-DatabaseType|-dt> database_type [<-DatabaseServiceName|-ds> database_service_name] <-BackupFile|-bf> backup_file_name [<-Force|-f>] <-DomainName|-dn> domain_name [<-Tablespace|-ts> tablespace_name (used for IBM DB2 only)] [<-SchemaName|-sc> schema_name (used for Microsoft SQL Server only)] [<-DatabaseTlsEnabled|-dbtls> database_tls_enabled] [<-DatabaseTruststorePassword|-dbtp> database_truststore_password] [<-TrustedConnection|-tc> trusted_connection (used for Microsoft SQL Server only)] [<-EncryptionKeyLocation|-kl> encryption_key_location]
Back up the metadata configuration files to any directory accessible by the machines where you install Informatica. The following table describes the metadata files and the locations where you can find them:
Metadata File
Contains metadata for a node.
Stored in the isp/config directory on each node in the domain.
If you use the same backup directory name on all the nodes, rename nodemeta.xml before copying it to the backup location. For example, you back up nodemeta.xml to the /nodebak directory on nodeA and nodeB. Rename the configuration files so that on nodeA the file is backed up to /nodebak/nodemeta_A.xml, and on nodeB the file is backed up to /nodebak/nodemeta_B.xml.
Contains connectivity information for the gateway nodes.
Stored in one of the following locations:
  • The Informatica installation directory on the client and server machines.
  • The location configured through the INFA_DOMAINS_FILE environment variable.

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