Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Version 10.5
  3. Part 2: Versions 10.4.1 -
  4. Part 3: Versions 10.4 -
  5. Part 4: Versions 10.2.2 - 10.2.2 HotFix 1
  6. Part 5: Version 10.2.1
  7. Part 6: Version 10.2 - 10.2 HotFix 2

Address Validator Transformation

Address Validator Transformation

The Address Validator transformation contains additional address functionality for the following countries:


Effective in version 10.2 HotFix 2, you can configure the Address Validator transformation to add address enrichments to Australia addresses. You can use the enrichments to discover the geographic sectors and regions to which the Australia Bureau of Statistics assigns the addresses. The sectors and regions include census collection districts, mesh blocks, and statistical areas.
The transformation uses the following ports to deliver the enrichments:
  • Census Collection District Code 2006
  • Geocoded National Address File Identifier
  • Greater Capital City Statistical Area 5-Digit
  • Greater Capital City Statistical Area Name
  • Level One Statistical Area 11-Digit
  • Level One Statistical Area 7-Digit
  • Level Two Statistical Area 9-Digit
  • Level Two Statistical Area 5-Digit
  • Level Two Statistical Area Name
  • Level Three Statistical Area 5-Digit
  • Level Three Statistical Area Name
  • Level Four Statistical Area 3-Digit
  • Level Four Statistical Area Name
  • Mesh Block 11-Digit 2011
  • Mesh Block 11-Digit 2016
  • State or Territory Code
  • State or Territory Name
  • Supplementary AU Status
Find the ports in the AU Supplementary port group.


Effective in version 10.2 HotFix 2, Informatica introduces the following features and enhancements for Israel:
Multilanguage support for Israel addresses
You can configure the Address Validator transformation to return an Israel address in the English language or the Hebrew language.
Use the Preferred Language property to select the preferred language for the addresses that the transformation returns.
The default language for Israel addresses is Hebrew. To return address information in Hebrew, set the Preferred Language property to DATABASE or ALTERNATIVE_1. To return the address information in English, set the property to ENGLISH or ALTERNATIVE_2.
Support for multiple character sets in Israel addresses
The Address Validator transformation can read and write Israel addresses in Hebrew and Latin character sets.
Use the Preferred Script property to select the preferred character set for the address data.
The default character set for Israel addresses is Hebrew. When you set the Preferred Script property to Latin or Latin-1, the transformation transliterates Hebrew address data into Latin characters.

United States

Effective in version 10.2 HotFix 2, Informatica introduces the following features and enhancements for the United States:
Additional information on undeliverable mail
You can configure the Address Validator transformation to return information on why the United States Postal Service does not deliver mail to an address that appears to be valid.
The United States Postal Service might not deliver mail to an address for one of the following reasons:
  • The address site is under construction.
  • The customer receives mail as a part of mail forwarding service.
  • The postal carrier returns the mail undelivered.
The United States Postal Service maintains a table of addresses that do not permit delivery. The table is called the No-Statistics table. To return a code that indicates why the United States Postal Service adds the address to the No-Statistics table, select the Delivery Sequence File Second Generation No Statistics Reason port. Find the port in the US Specific port group in the Basic model.
The transformation reads the No-Statistics table data from the
database file.
Improved correction for addresses with trailing house number characters
You can configure the Address Validator transformation to identify a valid street address that includes a house number value with an unrecognized trailing alphabetic character. If the address can yield a valid delivery point without the trailing character, the transformation returns the value TA in the Delivery Point Validation Footnote ports.
Information on street addresses that forward mail to a Post Office Box
You can configure the Address Validator transformation to identify a street address for which the United States Postal Service redirects mail to a Post Office Box. To identify the address, select the Delivery Point Validation Throwback port. Find the port in the US Specific port group in the Basic model.
The transformation reads the throwback data from the
database file.
Information on addresses that cannot accept mail on one or more days of the week
You can configure the Address Validator transformation to identify United States addresses that do not receive mail on one or more days of the week.
To identify the addresses, use the
Non-Delivery Days
port. The port contains a seven-digit string that represents the days of the week from Sunday through Saturday. Each position in the string represents a different day.
Find the Non-Delivery Days port in the US Specific port group in the Basic model. To receive data on the Non-Delivery Days port, run the Address Validator transformation in certified mode. The transformation reads the port values from the
database files.
For more information, see the
Informatica 10.2 HotFix 2 Developer Transformation Guide
and the
Informatica 10.2 HotFix 2 Address Validator Port Reference
For comprehensive information about the features and operations of the address verification software engine in version 10.2 HotFix 2, see the
Informatica Address Verification 5.14.0 Developer Guide

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