Connect to Oracle Using Oracle Connection Manager from Informatica Developer

Connect to Oracle Using Oracle Connection Manager from Informatica Developer

Step 1. Create the tnsnames.ora File

Step 1. Create the tnsnames.ora File

To connect to Oracle using Oracle Connection Manager, you must create a
file with the Oracle Connection Manager details on the Informatica Server and Client machines.
  1. Define the net service name entry for the Oracle Connection Manager service. The definition must contain the keyword-value pair SOURCE_ROUTE=YES.
    See the following sample
    file with the Oracle Connection Manager service entry:
    ORCL19C_CMAN = (description= (address_list= (source_route=yes) (address=(protocol=tcp)( (address=(protocol=tcp)( ) (connect_data= ( ) )
  2. Add the
    file in the Informatica Client and Informatica Server machines in the following directories:
    • Informatica Client:
      <Informatica Client Installation Directory>\clients\DeveloperClient
    • Informatica Server:
      <Informatica Server Installation Directory>\tomcat\bin
  3. In the Informatica Server machine, set the
    environment variable to the directory where the
    is available.


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