Informatica Data Quality
- Informatica Data Quality H2L
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| Description
| Assigns a description to the Mailability Score output from the Address Validator transformation. The description corresponds to the output from Data Quality transformations in releases prior to Data Quality 9.0.
| Assigns a description to the Match Code output from the Address Validator transformation. The description corresponds to the output from Data Quality transformations in releases prior to Data Quality 9.0.
| Identifies the type of information that an input field contains. The rule can identify names, personal IDs, company names, dates, and Canadian address data. The rule returns a label that describes the type of input data. The rule uses reference data to identify the types of information. The rule uses probabilistic matching techniques to identify the types of information.
| Calculates the difference between two dates. The rule uses the following units of measure: - Hours - Days - Months - Years Each output value is exclusive from the other values. The outputs cannot be added to represent the difference between the data values.
| Checks a single field for NULL values. Returns "Complete" if the field contains data. Returns "Incomplete" if the field is empty or contains a NULL value.
| Checks multiple fields for NULL values. Returns "Complete" if all fields contain data. Returns "Incomplete" if any field is empty or contains a NULL value.
| Verifies that the input string conforms to a date format that the rule recognizes. The rule reads the following reference table: user_defined_dates_infa
| Checks the number of years between a date of birth and the current date. Returns "Adult" or "Minor" in addition to "Valid" if the number of years is 120 or lower. Returns "Invalid" if the number of years is greater than 120.
| Parses date data from a string to a field that the rule specifies. The rule recognizes dates in the following formats: - dd/mm/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy - yyyy/dd/mm The rule returns a date and also returns a string that contains the input text without the date.
| Standardizes date strings to an output format that you specify. To set the output format, open the dq_FormatDate Expression transformation in the rule and update the Output_Date_Format expression variable and the Delimiter expression variable. If the input data does not describe a valid date, the rule returns the digit 0 for each input character.
| Validates date strings that appear in a single format in a data column. To configure the date format that the rule uses for validation, open the dq_ValidateDate Expression transformation in the rule and update the In_Date_Format expression variable. The default format is "MM/DD/YYYY." The rule returns "Valid" or "Invalid."
| Validates date strings that appear in multiple formats in a data column. Use the rule when a data source includes the following columns: - A column that contains date values in multiple formats. - A column that identifies the format of the date value in each row. If the column does not identify a date format for a row, the rule applies the format "MM/DD/YYYY" to the date value. The rule reads all data values that the is_date() function recognizes. The rule returns "Valid" or "Invalid."
| Calculates the number of days between two dates.
| Calculates the number of days between a specified date and the current date.
| Identifies the following types of fields: name, occupation title, company, address, city, state or province, postcode, country, personal ID, email, telephone, credit card, and date. The rule generates a score that indicates the degree of confidence in the field identification. Higher scores indicate greater levels of confidence. If the rule cannot assign a field type, the rule writes the data on the Out_Undetermined field.
| Verifies that the input data is numeric. The rule returns "True" or "False."
| Returns all alphabetic characters in lower case.
| Validates that the input data is a negative number.
| Checks for NULL values in numeric inputs.
| Identifies the alphabetic characters and the non-alphabetic characters in an input string and writes each set of characters to different output fields. For example, the rule parses the following values from the input string teststring_123: teststring _123
| Parses the first word in an input string to a field that the rule specifies.
| Parses any number that occurs at the end of an input string to a field that the rule specifies. The rule reads strings from left to right.
| Parses any number that occurs at the start of an input string to a field that the rule specifies. The rule reads strings from left to right.
| Parses strings that are enclosed in parentheses to a field that the rule specifies. The rule contains an output field for the parsed strings and an output field for the input text without the parsed strings.
| Parses strings that are enclosed in quotation marks to a field that the rule specifies. When the input data contains multiple quoted elements, the rule parses the final element. The rule reads the input strings from left to right. The rule contains an output field for the parsed strings and an output field for the input text without the parsed strings.
| Determines whether an input date is earlier than the system date or later than the system date.
| Parses person names and company names to different fields that the rule specifies. The rule has the following outputs: - Person name - Company name - Data category, such as person name or company name- - Data that the rule cannot parse
| Verifies that the input data is a positive number.
| Prepends the numeral "0" to single numeric characters.
| Removes all instances of the numeric character "0" from the beginning of a string.
| Removes apostrophes. The rule merges the text strings on either side of the apostrophe.
| Removes control characters from text strings. The rule returns a string that contains the control characters and a string that contains the input text without the control characters.
| Replaces all consecutive spaces with a single space and trims leading and trailing spaces.
| Removes hyphens from anywhere in the input string.
| Removes a single instance of the numeric character "0" from the beginning of a string.
| Removes extraneous characters. Extraneous characters include slashes, back slashes, periods, exclamation marks, and underscores. The rule also replaces multiple consecutive spaces with a single space.
| Removes all characters that are not numeric.
| Removes right and left parenthesis symbols.
| Remove periods.
| Removes the following characters: - Left and right parentheses - Periods
| Removes punctuation symbols.
| Removes all punctuation and all space characters.
| Removes quotation marks.
| Removes forward slashes and back slashes.
| Removes all character spaces.
| Replaces hyphens with spaces.
| Replaces the following punctuation characters with a single space: dash, back slash, period, exclamation mark, and underscore The rule also replaces two, three, and four consecutive spaces with a single space.
| Replaces numerals and punctuation characters with a single space.
| Checks a string for completeness. The rule also searches the input strings for values in the reference table
string_default_values_infa . The reference table contains values such as NA, DEFAULT, and XX. If an input string contains a value in the reference table, the rule identifies the string as incomplete.
| Converts strings to title case. In title case strings, the first letter of each word is capitalized.
| Replaces diacritic characters with ASCII equivalents. For example, the rule converts "ã" to "a".
| Returns all alphabetic characters in upper case. The input and output fields in the rule use a precision of 200.
| Returns alphabetic characters in upper case. The input and output fields in the rule use a precision of 1,000.
| Identifies the type of information that an input field contains. The rule can identify names, personal IDs, company names, dates, and United States address data. The rule returns a label that describes the type of input data. The rule uses reference data and probabilistic matching techniques to identify the types of information.
| Calculates the number of years since the input date.