Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Working with Enterprise Data Manager
  4. Enterprise Data Manager
  5. ILM Repository Constraints
  6. Partition Exchange Purging
  7. APIs
  8. Smart Partitioning
  9. Salesforce Accelerator
  10. SAP Application Retirement Entities
  11. Import Formats for Constraints
  12. Glossary

Enterprise Data Manager Guide

Enterprise Data Manager Guide

Interim Tables

Interim Tables

Adding an Interim table to an Entity is discussed in Adding and Deleting Interim Tables.
The following information can be modified for the Metadata as discussed in the table below:
Interim Detail Tab
General Information
An (auto-generated) Name and (pre-specified) Description of the Interim table is displayed.
All Tables involved in the Data Archive job executions are listed here. Tables can be added or deleted using Add and Delete. The following information is specified for each Table involved:
  • Order: INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements are executed on the Business Tables in the order specified. This order of execution can be changed using the Up Arrow and Down Arrow buttons.
  • Table Name
  • Insert Statement: Generally executed while copying ROWS into Data Destination during a job execution.
  • Delete Statement: Generally executed while purging ROWS from the Data Source in a job execution.
  • Update Statements, if any.
Default Columns
A number of Default Columns can be specified for the Interim tables, each accompanied with the representation of a column from a Business Table. This is specified using the values indicated below:
  • Order: Order of Columns in the Interim Table. Use using Up Arrow and Down Arrow to promote / demote a Column.
  • Name: Column name
  • Type: Data Type for records to be inserted. This generally takes the Data Type of the Business Table column as specified in the SELECT clause.
  • Length: Maximum number of characters allowed, according to specified Data Type.
  • PK: Allows one to assign a particular column as a Primary Key of the Interim Table. This is facilitated through check boxes.
  • Select Clause: Column names from one or more Business Tables, whose values are fetched to populate the respective Default Column for Interim Table.
    When an Interim table is first created the Columns “stats_date”, “org_id” and “purgeable_flag” are created by default. While “stats_date” and “org_id” can be assigned Business Table Columns in the SELECT clause, “purgeable_flag” consists of a flag to determine whether the record is archive-able.
From Clause: FROM clause in the SQL query, specifying target Columns to be selected while building the Interim Table.
Where Clause: WHERE clause to filter ROWS for Columns selected while building the Interim Table.
Business Rules
Business rules can be specified, which occupy one column each in the interim table (as a flag which indicates its validation status).
The value inserted in the “purgeable_flag” column is actually a binary summation of the values in the Columns complying to each of the Business Rules
Business Rules are defined with the following information:
  • Order: Order of columns in the Interim table
  • Name: Column name in interim table which stores validation flag for this business rule.
  • Description: A short description of the business rule.
  • Business Rule Order: Order of execution of UPDATE statements on Interim Table intended for applying that Business Rule to the data.
  • Type: Type of clause used to construct the business rule. A drop-down list containing FULL, INLINE, LOOP, SET and WHERE clauses is available for selection.
  • Purge Qualification: Statement for the clause type selected above.
  • Exclude from Evaluation: When this checked, the corresponding business rule is excluded from the binary summation that determines the value in “purgeable_flag” column.
  • Condition: Actual conditional statement that identifies the business rule.
An INDEX can be specified by clicking on Add and deleted using Delete. Order of execution of Indexes can be altered using Up Arrow and Down Arrow. These buttons are available to the right of the Details Pane.
Generally, default Indexes are generated by clicking on Insert Default Index, at the bottom of the Details Pane.
Report Statements
Statements for generating Detail Reports can be specified here.
The following information is specified in order to associate a Report Statement with an Interim table:
  • Order: Order of display for Columns.
  • Statement Label: A drop down list consisting of pre-created (Reporting) Statements is available to choose from.
  • Literals (Comma Separated): Labels for Display Columns can be specified here
  • Group: A Column can be part of a Primary or Secondary group. This basically specifies the placement of Columns in the Detail report of an Archive Definition.
The following information is automatically displayed on the right, when a Statement is selected.
  • Parameters: Allows one to specify Parameters in the same order as they occur in the SQL query.
  • Statement: Displays the SQL query or “INTERIM_VALUE”, whichever was specified during Statement creation.


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