Data Archive
- Data Archive 6.5.1
- All Products
| Description
| Digit. Display leading and trailing zeros. For example, if the value in the target database is 1.2, and the format string is
000.00 , Data Archive displays 001.20.
| Digit. Do not display leading or trailing zeros. For example, if the value in the target database is 1.2, and the format string is
###.## , Data Archive displays 1.2.
| Decimal separator or monetary decimal separator.
| Negative sign.
| Grouping separator. In most countries, the grouping separator separates thousands, but in some countries, it separates ten thousands. If you specify a format string with multiple grouping separators, Data Archive uses the interval between the last grouping separator and the end of the integer. For example, you enter
#,####,### . Data Archive displays the number 12345678 as 12,345,678.
| Exponent character. Separates the mantissa from the exponent in scientific notation.
| Separator for positive and negative patterns in a format string. To enter a numeric format string that provides formatting for positive and negative values, enter the positive format string, the semicolon character (;), and the negative format string.
For example:
If you do not provide a negative format string, Data Archive uses the positive format string preceded with the negative sign.
| Percent sign. Data Archive multiplies the numeric value by 100 and displays it as a percent value.
| Per mille sign. Data Archive multiplies the numeric value by 1000 and displays it as a per mille value.
¤ (\u00A4)
| Currency symbol. Data Archive interprets
¤¤ as the international currency symbol.