Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Dynamic Data Masking Administration
  3. Authentication
  4. Connection Management
  5. JDBC Client Configuration
  6. ODBC Client Configuration
  7. Access Control
  8. Logs
  9. High Availability
  10. Server Control
  11. Performance Tuning

Administrator Guide

Administrator Guide

Dynamic Data Masking Service Refuses Connection Request

Dynamic Data Masking Service Refuses Connection Request

If the Dynamic Data Masking service refuses a connection from a client, you receive an
IO Exception, Connection Refused
The following table describes the possible reasons for the connection refusal:
Error in the listener address
Run a ping command from the system running the Management Console to the Dynamic Data Masking service. Use the Dynamic Data Masking host name. For example:
Error in the listener port
Verify that the firewall has the Dynamic Data Masking listener port and administrator port open.
Undefined service name
Verify the database service name. Add a service name if one does not exist.
Database server is down
Restart the database.


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