Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to the Stored Procedure Accelerator for Oracle
  3. Masking Stored Procedures and User-Defined Table Functions
  4. Stored Procedure Accelerator Setup
  5. Stored Procedure Accelerator Rules

Stored Procedure Accelerator Guide for Oracle

Stored Procedure Accelerator Guide for Oracle

MaskProcs Rule

MaskProcs Rule

The MaskProcs rule specifies the location of the stored procedure accelerator .jar files.
The MaskProcs rule uses the Any matcher so that the rule applies to all requests. It uses the Java Action rule action to identify the Stored Procedure .jar files. The Class Name must be ProcMaskerOracle.
The MaskProcs rule has the following parameters:
The name of the rule is MaskProcs.
The rule uses the Any matcher so that the rule applies to all requests.
Rule Action
The rule uses the Java Action rule action. Do not change the rule action.
Class Path
Enter the file paths of the accelerator .jar files, separated by a semicolon (;). You can find the .jar files in the following location:
<Dynamic Data Masking installation>\Accelerators\StoredProcedureMasking\lib
For example, you might enter:
C:\Program Files\Informatica\DDM\Accelerators\StoredProcedureMasking\lib\StoredProcedureMasking.jar;C:\Program Files\Informatica\DDM\Accelerators\StoredProcedureMasking\lib\MultipleStatementMasking.jar
Class Name
The class name is ProcMaskerOracle. Do not change the class name.
Processing Action
The rule uses the Continue processing action.


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