Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to the Data Archive Accelerator
  3. Data Archive Accelerator Setup
  4. Data Archive Accelerator Rules
  5. Dynamic Data Masking

Data Archive Accelerator Guide

Data Archive Accelerator Guide

GenericDataArchiveAction Rule

GenericDataArchiveAction Rule

The GenericDataArchiveAction rule retrieves the user name and user role information from the SQL request and creates symbols based on the information. Create a rule similar to the GenericDataArchiveAction rule when you create a rule set to mask Data Vault data.
When you create a rule set to mask Data Vault data, you can create a rule similar to the GenericDataArchiveAction rule that decrypts the SQL comment from the Data Archive client and creates the DataArchive_User and DataArchive_Roles symbols. The rule uses the Java rule action. The class path parameter must contain the location of the DataArchiveAcclerator.jar file and the class name must be GetUsersAndRolesFromComment.


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