Test Data Management
- Test Data Management 10.5.7
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| Description
| Required. Name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain. The name cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain the following special characters:
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /
Connection Type
| Required. The connection type. Select Hadoop HDFS.
| The description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 4000 characters.
HDFS Connection URI
| Required. The URI to access HDFS.
Use the following format to specify the NameNode URI in Cloudera and Hortonworks distributions:
Use one of the following formats to speaaacify the NameNode URI in MapR distribution:
Where my.cluster.com is the cluster name that you specify in the mapr-clusters.conf file.
| Required. The URL to the Hive host.
Specify the URL in the following format:
HIVE Username
| The Hive user name.
Use Parameter in Password
| Uses a parameter in the password for the Hive user.
HIVE Password
| The password for the Hive user.
Hadoop Distribution
| Required. The name of the Hadoop distribution. You can choose one of the following options:
Default is Cloudera CDH.
| Required. The path to the HDFS directory.