Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Version 10.5.7
  3. Part 2: Version 10.5.6 - Version 10.5.6.x
  4. Part 3: Version 10.5.5 - 10.5.5.x
  5. Part 4: Version 10.5.4 - 10.5.4.x
  6. Part 5: Version 10.5.3 - 10.5.3.x
  7. Part 6: Version 10.5.2 -
  8. Part 7: Version 10.5.1 -
  9. Part 8: Versions 10.5 -
  10. Part 9: Versions 10.4.1 -
  11. Part 10: Versions 10.4 -
  12. Part 11: Versions 10.2.2 - 10.2.2 HotFix 1
  13. Part 12: Version 10.2.1
  14. Part 13: Version 10.2 - 10.2 HotFix 2

What's New and Changed (10.5.7)

What's New and Changed (10.5.7)

Address Validator Transformation

Address Validator Transformation

This section describes new Address Validator transformation features.
The Address Validator transformation contains additional address functionality for the following countries:

All Countries

Effective in version 10.2.2, the Address Validator transformation supports single-line address verification in every country for which Informatica provides reference address data.
In earlier versions, the transformation supported single-line address verification for 26 countries.
To verify a single-line address, enter the address in the Complete Address port. If the address identifies a country for which the default preferred script is not a Latin or Western script, use the default Preferred Script property on the transformation with the address.


Effective in version 10.2.2, you can configure the Address Validator transformation to add address enrichments to Australia addresses. You can use the enrichments to discover the geographic sectors and regions to which the Australia Bureau of Statistics assigns the addresses. The sectors and regions include census collection districts, mesh blocks, and statistical areas.
The transformation uses the following ports to deliver the enrichments:
  • Census Collection District Code 2006
  • Geocoded National Address File Identifier
  • Greater Capital City Statistical Area 5-Digit
  • Greater Capital City Statistical Area Name
  • Level One Statistical Area 11-Digit
  • Level One Statistical Area 7-Digit
  • Level Two Statistical Area 9-Digit
  • Level Two Statistical Area 5-Digit
  • Level Two Statistical Area Name
  • Level Three Statistical Area 5-Digit
  • Level Three Statistical Area Name
  • Level Four Statistical Area 3-Digit
  • Level Four Statistical Area Name
  • Mesh Block 11-Digit 2011
  • Mesh Block 11-Digit 2016
  • State or Territory Code
  • State or Territory Name
  • Supplementary AU Status
Find the ports in the AU Supplementary port group.


Effective in version 10.2.2, the Address Validator transformation improves the parsing and validation of Bolivia addresses. Additionally, Informatica updates the reference data for Bolivia.
The transformation also includes the following improvements for Bolivia:
  • Address validation to street level.
  • Geocoordinates at street mid-point level for addresses in major cities.


Informatica introduces the following features and enhancements for Canada:
Support for the Global Preferred Descriptor property in Canada Addresses
Effective in version 10.2.2, you can configure the Address Validator transformation to return the short or long form of an element descriptor.
The transformation can return the short or long form of the following descriptors:
  • Street descriptors
  • Directional values
  • Building descriptors
  • Sub-building descriptors
To specify the output format for the descriptors, configure the Global Preferred Descriptor property on the transformation. The property applies to English-language and French-language descriptors. By default, the transformation returns the descriptor in the format that the reference data specifies. If you select the PRESERVE INPUT option on the property, the Preferred Language property takes precedence over the Global Preferred Descriptor property.
Support for CH and CHAMBER as Sub-Building Descriptors
Effective in version 10.2.2, the Address Validator transformation recognizes CH and CHAMBER as sub-building descriptors in Canada addresses.


Effective in version 10.2.2, the Address Validator transformation improves the processing of street data in Colombia addresses. Additionally, Informatica updates the reference data for Colombia.


Effective in version 10.2.2, Informatica introduces the following improvements for France addresses:
  • Informatica improves the supplementary reference data for France.
  • The Address Validator transformation assigns addresses to IRIS units in France with greater accuracy. The transformation uses the house number in the address to verify the IRIS unit to which the address belongs. The use of house numbers can improve the assignment accuracy when the address lies close to the border between different units.


Effective in version 10.2.2, Informatica introduces the following features and enhancements for Israel:
Multilanguage Support for Israel Addresses
You can configure the Address Validator transformation to return an Israel address in the English language or the Hebrew language.
Use the Preferred Language property to select the preferred language for the addresses that the transformation returns.
The default language for Israel addresses is Hebrew. To return address information in Hebrew, set the Preferred Language property to DATABASE or ALTERNATIVE_1. To return the address information in English, set the property to ENGLISH or ALTERNATIVE_2.
Support for Multiple Character Sets for Israel Addresses
The Address Validator transformation can read and write Israel addresses in Hebrew and Latin character sets.
Use the Preferred Script property to select the preferred character set for the address data.
The default character set for Israel addresses is Hebrew. When you set the Preferred Script property to Latin or Latin-1, the transformation transliterates Hebrew address data into Latin characters.


Effective in version 10.2.2, the Address Validator transformation validates a Peru address to house number level. Additionally, Informatica updates the reference data for Peru.


Effective in version 10.2.2, the Address Validator transformation improves the verification of street names in Sweden addresses.
The transformation improves the verification of street names in the following ways:
  • The transformation can recognize a street name that ends in the character G as an alias of the same name with the final characters GATAN.
  • The transformation can recognize a street name that ends in the character V as an alias of the same name with the final characters VÄGEN.
  • The Address Validator transformation can recognize and correct a street name with an incorrect descriptor when either the long form or the short form of the descriptor is used.
    For example, The transformation can correct RUNIUSV or RUNIUSVÄGEN to RUNIUSGATAN in the following address:
    SE-112 55 STOCKHOLM

United States

Effective in version
10.2 HotFix 2
, you can configure the Address Validator transformation to identify United States addresses that do not receive mail on one or more days of the week.
To identify the addresses, use the
Non-Delivery Days
port. The port contains a seven-digit string that represents the days of the week from Sunday through Saturday. Each position in the string represents a different day.
The Address Validator transformation returns the first letter of a weekday in the corresponding position on the port if the address does not receive mail on that day. The transformation returns a dash symbol in the corresponding position for other days of the week.
For example, a value of
on the Non-Delivery Days port indicates that an address does not receive mail on Sunday, Friday, and Saturday.
Find the Non-Delivery Days port in the US Specific port group in the Basic model. To receive data on the Non-Delivery Days port, run the Address Validator transformation in certified mode. The transformation reads the port values from the
database files.
For comprehensive information about the features and operations of the address verification software engine in version 10.2.2, see the
Informatica Address Verification 5.14.0 Developer Guide


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