| Operation
| Description
Data Source
| Data subset
Data discovery
Data masking
Data generation
| Defines the input data that you want to transform.
| Data subset
Data generation
| Defines a set of related tables based on physical or logical constraints. Define an entity for a data subset or a data generation operation. Create an entity in the
Define view of a project.
| Data subset
| Defines a set of unrelated tables to copy to a target subset database with data subset. Create a Group in the
Define view of a project.
| Data subset
Data masking
Data generation
| Defines parameters and parameter values for connections, criteria, and source or target owners.
| Data masking
Data subset
Data generation
| Defines data subset, data masking, or data generation operations. Generate a PowerCenter workflow from a plan. Define a plan in the
Execute view of a project.
Policy assignments
| Data masking
| Assigns policies to the project. When you assign a policy to a project, the project receives the data domains and the data masking rules in the policy.
| Data discovery
| Suggests the primary keys, relationships, and data domains in a source based on source data and metadata. Define a profile in the
Discover view of a project.
Rule assignments
| Data masking
Data generation
| Defines which data masking or generation rules apply to a source column.