Amazon SNS Connector Guide

Amazon SNS Connector Guide

Subscriber Protocols

Subscriber Protocols

When you subscribe to a topic, you can choose various protocol options to publish the messages.
The following table describes the subscriber protocol options:
Receive messages to one or more HTTP or HTTPS endpoints as an HTTP POST request.
The subscribed endpoint is an URL beginning with http:// or https://
Receive SMS notifications to SMS-enabled mobile phones and smart phones.
The subscribed endpoint is a phone number of an SMS-enabled device.
SMS notifications are supported for phone numbers in the United States.
Receive messages to an email account.
The subscribed endpoint is an email address.
Receive a published message as an Amazon SQS message to the subscribed queue.
The subscribed endpoint is the ARN of an Amazon SQS queue.
Receive notifications and messages based on application events and system alerts.
The subscribed endpoint is the endpoint ARN of a mobile app and device.
Run the Lambda function subscribed to the topic with the payload of the published message.
The subscribed endpoint is the ARN of an AWS Lambda function.
To actually subscribe to the topic, an endpoint owner must complete the confirmation process.
For more information, see the Amazon SNS documentation.


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