Application Integration
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| Description
No File Operations
| Determines whether to disallow any move or delete file operations, to handle read-only data.
Default is
Delete Processed Files
| Determines whether to delete each file after it is processed successfully.
Do not use this option with Move To.
Default is
No .
Before Move
| Optional. Enter a regular expression to dynamically set the new file name and location before processing it.
Move To
| Optional. Enter a regular expression to dynamically set the file name and location where you want to move files after they are successfully processed.
If you enable the Recursive property, use this option with care to avoid repeatedly processing moved files.
Default is .done.
Do not use this option with Delete Processed Files.
Move if Failure
| Optional. Enter a regular expression used to dynamically set a different target directory if the Move To operation fails.
Default is .error.
Do not use this option with Delete Processed Files.
Initial Delay
| Seconds before polling begins.
Default is
1 second.
Poll Interval
| Seconds to wait before the next poll to check whether new files have arrived.
Default is 1 second.
Max Messages Per Poll
| The maximum number of objects to retrieve each time the location is polled. If you do not want to set an upper limit, enter 0.
Default is 0.
Other Attributes
| Optional. You can supply a list of other parameters that might be available with this event source type. There is no need to enter the attributes in URI-encoded format because the connector encodes them for you.
If you add any of the specific attributes that are already exposed in the connector, such as Poll Interval, Process Designer ignores them.