Adobe Experience Platform Connector

Adobe Experience Platform Connector

Generate a Service Integration

Generate a Service Integration

The Adobe Experience Platform uses a JWT-based authentication. You need to configure a Service Account Integration. Service accounts are similar to user accounts, but they are unique to your application and have additional security requirements.
Perform the following steps to generate a service integration:
  1. Log in to the Adobe I/O Console with your Adobe credentials.
    page appears. An Integration is a service account that is created for the selected IMS Organization. If you are associated with multiple organizations, you can select the appropriate organization from the menu.
  2. On the
    tab, click
    New Integration
  3. Select
    Access an API
    and click
  4. In the
    Experience Cloud
    section, select
    Data Services
  5. Click
    New integration
    to create a new integration for the service and click
  6. Enter a name and description for the integration and upload a public certificate.
    When you generate a public certificate the private key is generated along with the certificate. The private key is required to generate the JWT and the certificate is used to create an API key.
    For more information about generating a public certificate, see
    Adobe documentation
  7. Click
    Create integration
  8. After creating the integration, you can get the client ID, technical account ID, and client secret key.
    The following image shows the service integration details:


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