Hadoop Files V2 Connector

Hadoop Files V2 Connector

Hadoop Files V2 targets in mappings

Hadoop Files V2 targets in mappings

To write data to a Hadoop Files V2, configure a
Hadoop Files
V2 object as the Target transformation in a mapping. You can configure a Target transformation to represent a single
Hadoop Files
V2 target.
When you use an
Hadoop Files
V2 target object, select an
Hadoop Files
V2 object as the target.
The following table describes the
Hadoop Files
V2 target properties that you can configure in a Target transformation:
Target Property
Name of the target connection or create a connection parameter.
Target Type
Type of target object. Select Single Object or Parameter.
Select the file to which you want to write data. Though selecting a target object is mandatory, the agent ignores this object. The agent processes the target object specified in File Directory and File Name in advanced target properties. You can select an existing object or create an object at runtime.
Create New at Runtime
Creates a complex file target object at runtime.
Enter a name for the target object and map the source fields that you want to use. By default, all source fields are mapped.
You can use parameters defined in a parameter file in the target name.
File format of the target object.
You can select from the following file format types:
  • None
  • Avro
  • Parquet
  • JSON
Default is
. If you select
as the format type, the Secure Agent writes data in binary format. In advanced mode,
is not applicable.
You can only use Avro, Parquet, and JSON file format types in Hadoop Files V2 Connector. You cannot write data to ORC file format types even though they are listed in the
Formatting Options
The parameter for the target object. Create or select the parameter for the target object.
The parameter property appears if you select parameter as the target type.
Select the target operation. You can select insert, update, upsert, delete, or data driven in a complex file target.
The following table describes the
Hadoop Files
V2 target advanced properties that you can configure in a Target transformation:
Advanced Property
File Directory
Optional. The directory location of one or more output files. Maximum length is 255 characters. If you do not specify a directory location, the output files are created at the location specified in the connection.
If the directory is in HDFS, enter the path without the node URI. For example,
specifies the location of a directory in HDFS. The path must not contain more than 512 characters.
If the file or directory is in the local system, enter the fully qualified path. For example,
specifies the location of a directory in the local system.
File Name
Optional. Renames the output file. The file name is not applicable when you read or write multiple Hadoop Files V2s.
Overwrite Target
Indicates whether the Secure Agent must first delete the target data before writing data.
If you select the
Overwrite Target
option, the Secure Agent deletes the target data before writing data. If you do not select this option, the Secure Agent creates a new file in the target and writes the data to the file.
File Format
Specifies a file format of a complex file source. Select one of the following options:
  • Binary
  • Custom Input
  • Sequence File Format
Default is Binary.
Output Format
The class name for files of the output format. If you select Output Format in the
File Format
field, you must specify the fully qualified class name implementing the
Output Key Class
The class name for the output key. If you select Output Format in the
File Format
field, you must specify the fully qualified class name for the output key.
You can specify one of the following output key classes:
  • BytesWritable
  • Text
  • LongWritable
  • IntWritable
Hadoop Files V2 generates the key in ascending order.
Output Value Class
The class name for the output value. If you select Output Format in the
File Format
field, you must specify the fully qualified class name for the output value.
You can use any custom writable class that Hadoop supports. Determine the output value class based on the type of data that you want to write.
When you use custom output formats, the value part of the data that is streamed to the complex file data object write operation must be in a serialized form.
Compression Format
Compression format of the source files. Select one of the following options:
  • None
  • Auto
  • gzip
  • bzip2
  • LZO
  • Snappy
  • Custom
Custom Compression Codec
Required if you use custom compression format. Specify the fully qualified class name implementing the
Sequence File Compression Type
Optional. The compression format for sequence files. Select one of the following options:
  • None
  • Record
  • Block
Forward Rejected Rows
Determines whether the transformation passes rejected rows to the next transformation or drops rejected rows. By default, the
task forwards rejected rows to the next transformation.


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