Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Hive Connector
  3. Hive connections
  4. Mappings and mapping tasks with Hive Connector
  5. Migrating a mapping
  6. Data type reference
  7. Troubleshooting

Hive Connector

Hive Connector

JDBC URL format

JDBC URL format

Hive Connector connects to the HiveServer2 component of Hadoop with JDBC.
Hive Connector uses the following JDBC URL format:
jdbc:hive2://<host>:<port>/<database name>
The following parameters describe the JDBC URL format:
  • hive2. Contains the protocol information. The version of the Thrift Server, that is, hive2 for HiveServer2.
  • host, port. The host and port information of the Thrift Server.
  • database name. The database that the Connector needs to access.
For example,
connects to the database of Hive and uses a Hive Thrift server HiveServer2 that runs on the server invrlx63iso7 on port 10000.
Hive Connector uses the Hive thrift server to communicate with Hive.


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